Category: Curriculum Entitlement

German Year 11 – Assesment Task

Click Here to access the resources for Year 11

1.3a Poverty, Scarcity and Inequality

Economics is the study of how economic resources are used to produce goods and services to satisfy society’s needs and wants. All people need food, water, shelter, and clothing to survive; however, people usually want more than they need and this list can go to infinity for many individuals. Scarcity of resources leads to resource…
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Scholastic Year 2022/2023

As per circular SfCE 002-2022 issued on 17/05/2022, the LOF based syllabi will be introduced in year 9 in this scholastic year without the MATSEC coursework tasks. The coursework that was meant to be carried out will NOT be contributing to the students’ SEC certificate in 2025. As of the date of this writing, things…
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Il-ħidma kollaborattiva tal-għalliema tal-Malti

Matul is-sena skolastika 2021-2022, grupp imdaqqas ta’ għalliema tal-Malti mill-Iskejjel tal-Knisja u grupp ta’ għalliema minn skola indipendenti, ħadmu flimkien bħala parti mit-tħejjija għas-sillabu taċ-ĊES il-ġdid, kemm fuq il-letteratura u kif ukoll il-metalingwa. Hekk kif ġiet ippubblikata l-antoloġija letterarja Hemm Art fil-Folja, li se tkun parti mis-sillabu l-ġdid taċ-ĊES, bosta għalliema wrew ix-xewqa li jingħaqdu…
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STEM project Code4Earth

Click here to read the article.

German Technology Year 11: Assessment Tasks

Click here to access the resources of Technology for Year 11.

German Environmental Awareness Year 11: Assessment Tasks

Click here to access the resources of Environmental Awareness for Year 11.

PSCD in the Secondary Classes

Click here to download the article “PSCD in the Secondary Classes Virtual and In-Person Interview Skills”

Guidelines for Years 9, 10 and 11

Click here to access the guidelines which are meant to help teachers while setting up English Years 9,10 and 11 papers.