The SfCE strongly believes that literacy (and numeracy) play an important role in the educational journey of each individual learner in our schools. Our unit works to increase the awareness, attitudes and knowledge among the different stakeholders and policymakers in our schools. With much dedication our small team carries out different related tasks including:
- Various parental meetings were held for all KG 2 students including new entrants at the end of the scholastic year. The aim of these meetings is to guide and inform parents of literacy strategies in preparation of literacy programmes in schools.
- At the beginning of the scholastic year, similar parental meetings are offered to all KG 2’s and Grade 1’s. The aim of these meetings is to equip parents with the necessary skills in line with the literacy methodologies used in the different schools. Further parental support is provided in January and May with further information on the literacy programmes being provided to schools.
- Various parental meetings are offered to students identified as struggling students.
- During the year, the literacy unit offers support to various schools in the use of various methodologies including phonics, shared and guided reading.
- Supporting schools in the development of school action plans for the development of literacy as a whole school approach.
- Provision of support to teachers through demo lessons and follow up sessions in all schools.
- The SfCE provides schools with the necessary tools to provide identify as early as possible in order to give the appropriate intervention
- Professional Development of Teachers
- Participation in Erasmus + training abroad
- Provide further support on literacy to families as these are generally recognized as the most influential in literacy development
- Increase the availability of literacy materials and tools at primary and secondary level;
- Implementation of an improved coherent literacy curriculum which is in line with effective research based methodologies that are currently improving literacy levels in different countries and that are effectively increasing literacy levels;
- Reduce the rate of struggling readers at all levels, including students in secondary schools in particular those with statemented needs;
- Support Learning Support Assistants in the implementation of literacy programs for statementing students;
- Provide further early identification and support structures;
- Offer further differentiated and individual support to students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds including poor socio economic backgrounds;
- Improve provision of support to struggling students including those with special needs, specific learning needs such as dyslexia;
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2016 – National Report
Sharing Books, Building Brains | Cincinnati Children’s
An interesting article for parents about SCREEN TIME Kindergarten readiness has been on the decline for years. We asked educators and child development experts which skills are most important to a child’s …
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