Category: Curriculum Entitlement


We are thrilled to announce a new page “STEMMERSION” More information can be found here –

German Speaking Champions Event

The German Speaking Champions event was held on Tuesday, March 12th, where three Year 8 and three Year 10 students of German from each school took part in a speaking competition among 21 different schools in Malta and Gozo. Students participated in two speaking activities, the best three students from each Year group then participated…
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SMC Fashion and Gourmet festival 2024

On the 21st of February 2024, the Fashion and Gourmet Festival, was organized at Stella Maris College, Gzira, on the initiative of Ms Dominique Inglott supported by the Hospitality & Language departments for Grade 9 and Grade 10 students following one of the four foreign languages (French, Italian, German & Spanish) taught at the College.…
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Expressing wellbeing through Art, Music and Drama

In recognizing a creative link between Art, Drama, Music and Emotional Literacy, students are given further opportunity to develop holistically. The CoPE Training, Expressing Well-being through Visual and Performing Arts, was an initial attempt to allow primary art, music and drama teachers focus on these three disciplines whilst aligning learning outcomes that encourage emotion literacy.…
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Church Schools – SfCE Curriculum Entitlement and Student Services

A group of Guidance and PSCD teachers from various Church schools started the new year by participating in a professional development session on Drugs and the Law delivered by the Drug Squad. The aim was to develop teachers’ knowledge and skills related to the current local situation with respect to cannabis, which has now regretfully…
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Digital and AI tools

French language teachers participated to a COPE led by the HoD of French Ms. Prascovia Deidun on Wednesday, 17th January 2024 at Valletta Design Cluster where they were introduced to new AI tools such as Diffit, Twee and Chat GPT and useful other links to create new resources for the SBAs.  During this Professional Development…
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EmpowerEDUC: Recognizing Excellence in EU Code Week 2023

An SfCE and eSkills Malta Foundation Collaboration Rationale of the Initiative:Following the work carried out by the Heads of Department of Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills within the Secretariat for Catholic Education, over the past 5 years, there has been an ever-increasing Church School educators’ participation in EU Code Week. To continue to sustain this…
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Education Transformation Framework and the Curriculum Entitlement Team at the SfCE

The Heads of Department (HoD) guide, support and coordinate the teaching, learning and assessment across compulsory education (including kindergarten), with dedicated teacher leaders supporting the teaching of around 26 subjects in the secondary years. The team together with their manager, Angela Charles, embarked on this learning experience, just when the educational system in Malta, like the…
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Professional development for teachers of Biology:  The marine environment, biodiversity, and climate change

Over the summer months, snorkelling sessions were held for teachers of Biology in Church schools at various coastal locations around Malta by our Head of Department for Biology, Mr Konrad Pirotta,. These field sessions were meant to enhance awareness and hands-on experience about the local marine environment. During each session, participants had the opportunity to…
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