Through the project “Unlocking students’ potential” funded by the Assistance For You (A4U) Scheme that is managed and administered by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, the Church Schools Children’s Fund (CSCF) purchased different resources that professional volunteers could use in church schools to support students therapeutically. This project was and still is being implemented by professionally trained volunteers (Play Therapists) as it helps to equip them with the right tools for this therapeutic support to be made available to students to help them process any challenges or difficulties they might be experiencing in life.
These tools allow young people to creatively express their concerns or life stories, also through symbols and metaphor, rather than solely relying on verbal expression. This is a basic tenant of play therapy where such creative and playful expressions are useful because students might not be as equipped as us adults to make sense of their situations using words, might be more inclined to express themselves creatively, and might also be going through challenges that might be too painful to verbalise out loud. Having these creative therapeutic tools helps to create a safe and free space for contained expression. Furthermore, creative and playful expression are means of communicating with students of different academic and language abilities, coming from diverse cultures and varied socio-economic status, without discrimination.
In light of the above, it is our hope that this helps students to actually be able to learn and develop academically, socially, and personally, to be empowered and reach their potential.