This Be Active project organised by the Church Schools Children’s Fund and funded by Agenzija Zghazagh was offered to young people aged between 13 – 15 years old from different church schools in Malta and Gozo.
Through this project the students were given the opportunity to participate and acquire new skills in the field of the media production. They gained knowledge in pre-production planning, and basic technical skills in film making. Open conversation was facilitated with professionals working in the field they were interested, showing them the equipment used and got the real feel of working in a studio, while also being aware of the struggles that artists encounter to achieve an arts related careers. A student following an Advanced Diploma in Creative Media Production at MCAST, was doing an intern with Studio Seven and he shared his journey prior and at MCAST and working in the field. The experience was very educational and taught the students new skills from which they would develop in the further future. This opportunity empowered the students to work coherently in a team whilst creating the videos together. From the students’ testimonials, it resulted that they found the course educational, amazing, and fun. For many of them this course was not only an exposure to artists in creative media but a platform to consider furthering their studies in the field. Such path is usually shunned upon by others who just consider it as a hobby. Whilst the participants reflected on the whole experience, they had the possibility to list potential career paths to choose from and working opportunities available.