Embracing AI in Performing Arts Primary Education

Expression of interest to apply for ‘Coding for Music’ sessions

Date Issued: Monday 3rd June 2024

Closing Date: Friday 14th June 2024 till 14.00

The Secretariat for Catholic Education (SfCE) is seeking to collaborate with a primary church school who is interested in digital skills and music to apply for sessions with Year 5 and/or Year 6 students. 

This will entail two separate sessions which integrate coding and music.  The children will be using a digital tool called the micro:bit (please find information here https://microbit.org/ and a short video here https://youtu.be/u2u7UJSRuko?feature=shared ) to carry out a coding activity.  The micro:bit will be provided by us. Whilst using the micro:bit they will code a given tune through group work. This cross-curricular approach addresses the skills of digital literacy and the following Learning Outcomes form the music curriculum in Level 6: 

  1. I can use technology to record myself playing or singing simple pieces or songs.
  2. I can explore software that enables me to create accompaniments to songs using pre-existing samples.

We would like to share the structure of these two separate sessions of approximately 40 minutes each, which will be delivered to the students and carried out in the ICT lab since a laptop/PC per group of students is required.  

Lesson 1:

-familiarising with the micro:bit in groups

-learning about basic coding by using www.makecode.microbit.org

-troubleshooting and finalising their own code through the simulator

-transferring the hex file to the miro:bit and display the code on it

Lesson 2:

-a group of students will code a stanza out of the total stanzas from a simple and familiar tune using ready-made codes provided by the teacher on a worksheet

-each group plays the code from the micro:bit and will place the stanzas in sequential order after listening to each groups stanza from the micro:bit

-if there is enough time left, the students may modify the stanza by slowing down the tempo or increasing it, changing the values etc

If you will be interested in this collaboration, let us know so that we could setup a meeting to discuss this further. 

Submissions will be received up to Friday 14th June till 14:00 by filling in the form: https://forms.office.com/e/JG0X2VShMz